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I was recently posted on Friedhard Kiekeben's and was asked to contribute a supplement to the Intaglio Type Section. I will be covering fundamentals of 4-Color Inversion Intaglio-Type and am currently creating a section to relate technical tips made easy, explaining the process of obtaining optimum halftone results that demonstrate the 4-color channel production workflow. Videos to come!
Bob came up today and changed the bulbs in the exposure unit, making all of the Gremlins go away! I spent 6 hrs. Tuesday night trying to work on some transparencies and exposure tests but nothing was going right at all and it also affected the four-color master printmaking class. Today I did some maintenance on the Canon iPF610; aligned the printer heads and cleaned the nozzles to help reduce the banding problem that we've been having. I went old school and had to do image exposure and 21-step tests to get everything going, my results turned out excellent so I went ahead and exposed/developed some 24" x 36" plates for my show that is coming up in April downtown at 4 Walls Gallery. Keith told me he won the one person show award for a painting he submitted to Au Naturale, he also pushed me to rework an image the other day. (Which it needed, but sometimes I call it a day due to all of these different school projects and deadlines.) Anyways, I'm happy with the way the image now, well worth the time and effort! I just heard from Friedhard Kiekeben recently, he asked me to write an article/outline for covering the background and process of Four Color (CMYK) Intaglio Type, so I should definitely work on that! I first met Friedhard sometime back in 2004 when he was visiting us at RIT and giving a workshop on Edinburgh Etch among some other techniques. We helped him print and expose two of his new prints, he's visiting from Columbia College in Chicago. I submitted some work to SGCI, I was happy to send some work to Randy Bolton over at Cranbrook Art Academy in Michigan! (Even if it is a long shot, Keith nominated me for their fellowship.) Dinner the other night at Keith's, (we almost always do something at his place when he has a visitor.) was spaghetti and specially made sauce and vegetables for the non meat eaters like myself. And of coarse we had ice cream and mixed fruit because Bernie always spoils us. The garlic bread was really tasty, we talked about art life and print, and everything else in general; there's always plenty of stories to go around.
John, Seulgi and I went out with Friedhard and a bunch of the gang for "First Friday," he treated us for dinner over at Dorado's. (I love the fish sandwich there.) We headed out to the Hungerford where we were in a show for RIT's design schools called "Design on the ROCS." I heard yesterday that CITY Newspaper is going to write an article on it, which is kind of surprising, but it was a pretty good show. Village Gate, Booksmart, and Anderson Alley had a few openings... Oh, we also went to the RoCo show where some of us had work up. I met Richard Harvey, a local artist who I'd like to talk to again. I saw a small press with some old blue lid Akua Inks and asked him about it, he said someone had loaned it to him while they were out of the country. Then we started talking about De Kooning after he found out I was from NYC; we had both read a few similar books on him and I went off talking about Rauschenberg too. I think he really liked that... later I found out he's into sculpture, and digital art, printmaking/mixed-media. His work was up next to Seulgi's, she really likes his work but was too shy to talk to him when we were at his studio. (I had no idea she knew who he was.) SG got something like 8 "vote stickers" but RH actually won some type of award. I got one sticker, I think Seulgi put it there, but she said she didn't! Lol. I have to get out of here soon, there's a big snow storm outside and I need to be up for the intro printmaking class that I TA for in the A.M.